"Very fun! i can't wait to start!"
In the first week of July, 2022, the class of 2027 were invited to Aylsham High School to get to know their teachers, begin to find their way around the campus, and meet their future friends. In this article, we reflect on a wonderful new beginning for our school community. Photography by Hannah Whelan, Media Captain. Words by Sophie Roy and Jacob Watts, Head Girl and Head Boy of the class of 2023.
For our 240 new year 7 students, induction into Aylsham High began in June through primary school visits from our Friendly Faces. The FF team of students in year 11 visited schools in the area and met our new cohort, teaching them about our anti-bullying ethos and sharing the values of our school community through fun activities.
Families were invited to the school on Monday 27th June for an induction evening, where we delivered our inaugural speech as the Head Girl and Boy of the class of 2023. This was the first time that our new year 7 were in the building at the same time. It was wonderful to see everyone and although we were nervous, we loved speaking to everyone from the lectern. Here are some extracts from our welcome speech that sum up our message to the class of 2027.
Families were invited to the school on Monday 27th June for an induction evening, where we delivered our inaugural speech as the Head Girl and Boy of the class of 2023. This was the first time that our new year 7 were in the building at the same time. It was wonderful to see everyone and although we were nervous, we loved speaking to everyone from the lectern. Here are some extracts from our welcome speech that sum up our message to the class of 2027.
Sophie: The induction evening is a celebration of all that Aylsham High is, allowing new students and their families to see for themselves what it would be like to come here. I remember my own induction evening four years ago. The burning questions that were finally answered and the speech from that year’s head girl and boy all showcased just how welcoming and special this school is. However, despite all the times I was reassured everything would be fine, and that I would learn so much and meet new friends, I was still anxious. I was told that I was the class of 2023, and to me that seemed an age away, but now I’m here and the time couldn’t have been spent in a better place. I have grown as a person, become more dedicated, and really been able to challenge and push myself during my time here at Aylsham High.
Jacob: There are so many opportunities to get involved at the school. There are a variety of clubs and competitions to take part in such as sports, music, drama, public speaking and Formula 1, with many more.You can do something you enjoy while making new friends. When I started in year 7, I went to the chess club in room 39 at lunchtime, although I say chess club loosely since I didn’t end up playing chess all that often. I’d mostly end up talking to my friends or playing games with them on our phones. (But don’t tell Mr Sexton)
Sophie: These clubs can provide so many interesting and exciting opportunities. When I was a part of Young Chamber, an enterprise based group, I got the chance to visit the Aviva Headquarters and the Houses of Parliament in London, which is still an amazing memory. From experience, I can firmly say that having a go at these clubs and competitions is so important for getting the best possible experience from High School.
Jacob: Another thing I think is really worth mentioning is that the school offers access to the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. I have been able to complete my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and, provided I survive the expedition in about 2 weeks time, I will have completed my silver award. And speaking of opportunities, now that (fingers crossed) covid is mostly behind us, we are now able to go on school trips again. In February this year, I was lucky enough to be able to go to Iceland, which was a fantastic trip where I learnt a lot about volcanic activity and we all had great fun. The school offers lots of other trips and there is an activities week each year where you can choose from a wide range of fun and interesting things that you may not have done before.
Sophie: In my four years here, Aylsham High has become more than just a school to me. It’s not just a place to turn up to, attend lessons, then leave. It’s somewhere I feel safe, where my friends support me and teachers help me succeed. Becoming Head Girl has allowed me to grow so much in confidence, and I can now see a future for myself that if I had gone somewhere else, may not have even been a possibility. I plan to study Psychology, English and Law at A Levels, with my biggest ambition being to attend Oxford University. I feel drawn to the career of a Human rights lawyer. I doubt I would have found my interest for the career, without being a part of Harbour, a group run by my English teacher that plans to make the school an official School of Sanctuary for Refugees, as well as educating people on the struggles and difficulties refugees face everyday. Aylsham High has opened doors for me, and now I have the chance to chase my dreams because of it.
Finally, have confidence in yourself. We know it can seem scary to put your hand up in class, but to engage in lessons you must put yourself out there. Don’t worry if you get things wrong, it’s okay to not always know everything. Trying is what counts. Your grades are not what defines you as a person, and as long as you have put the effort in and have done the best you possibly can, as well as being kind, thoughtful and compassionate to your peers, you will have made yourself, and the school, proud. With some hard work and dedication we know that each one of you will go on to do incredible things next year and way beyond. We look forward to seeing you all in September, and we wish you the best of luck as you begin year 7.
Jacob: There are so many opportunities to get involved at the school. There are a variety of clubs and competitions to take part in such as sports, music, drama, public speaking and Formula 1, with many more.You can do something you enjoy while making new friends. When I started in year 7, I went to the chess club in room 39 at lunchtime, although I say chess club loosely since I didn’t end up playing chess all that often. I’d mostly end up talking to my friends or playing games with them on our phones. (But don’t tell Mr Sexton)
Sophie: These clubs can provide so many interesting and exciting opportunities. When I was a part of Young Chamber, an enterprise based group, I got the chance to visit the Aviva Headquarters and the Houses of Parliament in London, which is still an amazing memory. From experience, I can firmly say that having a go at these clubs and competitions is so important for getting the best possible experience from High School.
Jacob: Another thing I think is really worth mentioning is that the school offers access to the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. I have been able to complete my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and, provided I survive the expedition in about 2 weeks time, I will have completed my silver award. And speaking of opportunities, now that (fingers crossed) covid is mostly behind us, we are now able to go on school trips again. In February this year, I was lucky enough to be able to go to Iceland, which was a fantastic trip where I learnt a lot about volcanic activity and we all had great fun. The school offers lots of other trips and there is an activities week each year where you can choose from a wide range of fun and interesting things that you may not have done before.
Sophie: In my four years here, Aylsham High has become more than just a school to me. It’s not just a place to turn up to, attend lessons, then leave. It’s somewhere I feel safe, where my friends support me and teachers help me succeed. Becoming Head Girl has allowed me to grow so much in confidence, and I can now see a future for myself that if I had gone somewhere else, may not have even been a possibility. I plan to study Psychology, English and Law at A Levels, with my biggest ambition being to attend Oxford University. I feel drawn to the career of a Human rights lawyer. I doubt I would have found my interest for the career, without being a part of Harbour, a group run by my English teacher that plans to make the school an official School of Sanctuary for Refugees, as well as educating people on the struggles and difficulties refugees face everyday. Aylsham High has opened doors for me, and now I have the chance to chase my dreams because of it.
Finally, have confidence in yourself. We know it can seem scary to put your hand up in class, but to engage in lessons you must put yourself out there. Don’t worry if you get things wrong, it’s okay to not always know everything. Trying is what counts. Your grades are not what defines you as a person, and as long as you have put the effort in and have done the best you possibly can, as well as being kind, thoughtful and compassionate to your peers, you will have made yourself, and the school, proud. With some hard work and dedication we know that each one of you will go on to do incredible things next year and way beyond. We look forward to seeing you all in September, and we wish you the best of luck as you begin year 7.
Following our speech, and the welcome speech from our Executive Headteacher Mr Spalding, our new House captains, pictured above with their house-coloured umbrellas, took the students to meet their form tutors and Heads of House. Uniform was available to purchase, and the science classrooms were transformed into cashless catering hubs so that students could load canteen money onto their fingerprints. There were some excited faces looking at their balance on the credit machine!
We were also treated to some brilliant musical interludes by Lili-Beau and King, who performed wonderfully on the stage as our families gathered.
We were also treated to some brilliant musical interludes by Lili-Beau and King, who performed wonderfully on the stage as our families gathered.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the year 7 students spent three days in school with us. Wednesday was a full day of activities including pizza-making, puzzle-solving, and arts and crafts. Thursday and Friday gave the students their first taste of a high school timetable, with two five-period days in which they were able to experience the range of subjects on offer at Aylsham.
The gallery below shows some of the feedback from students, written in an English lesson on the back of their name tags. The smiles we saw every day, as well as the dancing and excitement at the disco on Friday run by the Friends of Aylsham High, told us that the week was successful in making everyone get to know who we are as a community.
The gallery below shows some of the feedback from students, written in an English lesson on the back of their name tags. The smiles we saw every day, as well as the dancing and excitement at the disco on Friday run by the Friends of Aylsham High, told us that the week was successful in making everyone get to know who we are as a community.
At the end of a very busy week, our Executive Headteacher, Mr Spalding, said, "It has been brilliant to see how well our class of 2027 have taken to life at high school. Our older students have done brilliantly showing them around and showing them the ropes. Our Friendly Faces and Sports Captains have done a magnificent job supporting our induction activities. Here’s to a brilliant start in September after three very successful induction days. We have had a most excellent beginning.”
We certainly can't wait until September when we will see the new year 7 students among us, in their new uniforms, enjoying all the experiences we have had over the years and making their own memories as they grow in our wonderful school community.
We certainly can't wait until September when we will see the new year 7 students among us, in their new uniforms, enjoying all the experiences we have had over the years and making their own memories as they grow in our wonderful school community.